immaginari – Tempo d'Acqua Thu, 10 Mar 2022 11:58:53 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 Video di città sommerse: ne abbiamo bisogno? — Flooded cities videos: do we need them? Mon, 09 Mar 2020 16:47:59 +0000
Pisa floaded

L’ultimo è stato proiettato all’Armory Show, una fiera d’arte contemporanea che si è appena conclusa (marzo 2020), a New York. È un video di Tezi Gabunia, un’artista georgiano, che fa vedere una sala del Louvre di Parigi che si riempie lentamente d’acqua fino a esserne quasi sommersa. L’acqua, segnale del cambiamento climatico, inascoltata, diventa tragedia e distruzione. Il cambiamento climatico non riguarda solo l’Antartide, i ghiacci che si sciolgono e i terreni riarsi nel sud del mondo. È qui e ora. La torre di Pisa, il Louvre a Parigi o Londra sommersi fanno crescere la nostra consapevolezza e mutano il nostro modo di fare architettura. Immagine in apertura e video dal sito


BREAKING NEWS: FLOODING OF THE LOUVRE Tezi Gabunia  #ArmoryShow, TeziGabunia #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater

The last one has been shown in the contemporary art fair that has just ended (march 2020), at the Armory Show in New York. The video by Tezi Gabunia, a Georgian artist, shows a room in the Louvre in Paris that slowly fills with water until it is almost submerged. Water is a sentinel of climate change that, ignored, becomes tragedy and destruction. Climate change is not just about Antarctica, melting ice and parched land in the south of the world. It is here and now. The Tower of Pisa, Louvre in Paris or London city submerged increase our awareness and change the way we do architecture.

Global temperatures and sea levels are rising. Low-lying coastal cities are already experiencing devastating floods and working to come up with creative solutions to combat rising tides. Some cities are sinking due to increasing sea levels slowly encroaching on their coasts, while others are sinking because of excessive groundwater pumping that creates a change in pressure and volume that causes land to sink. Here are 11 sinking cities that are in danger of disappearing: Jakarta, Indonesia; Lagos, Nigeria; Houston, Texas, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Venice Italy, Virginia Beach, US; Bankok, Thailandia; New Orleans, US; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Alwxandria, Egypt; Miami, US (for more information, click here)


Mare dentro — Sea inside Wed, 16 Oct 2019 21:02:26 +0000
biennaledipisa marivericalidis
Mari Verticali venne realizzata per Louis Vuitton, al padiglione Venezia, in occasione della 54 edizione della Biennale di Venezia. Plessi propone qui una nuova visione della sua flotta digitale che si sviluppa in maniera simbiotica all’interno della struttura a emiciclo del Padiglione Venezia, riempiendone gli spazi con un grandioso concerto d’acque in continuo movimento e divenire. Sei imbarcazioni in acciaio nero emergono dall’oscurità mentre sui video schermi delle chiglie sono evocati suoni, correnti e flutti di simbolici mari. (Tratto da

MARI VERTICALI, Fabrizio Plessi #mariverticali #fabrizioplessi #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater

In 2005 Fabrizio Plessi creates an updated version of Mare Verticale at the entrance to the Biennial Gardens: a cylinder that appears to emerge from the Venetian lagoon at a height of 44 meters, the symbol of the same Biennial of Art. In 54th Venice Biennale of 2011, Venice Pavillion is completely dedicated to him with video-installations Mari Verticali with big steel black boats, with a permanent and exciting water concert.

Fabrizio Plessi has been fascinated always by water, a recurring theme which has become the focus of his artwork in the form of installations, films, videotapes and performances.In 1970 his work was exhibited at the experimental Pavilion of the Biennial of Venice and again in 1972. His works werw installed in all the world. During the 1980’s Plessi begins to experiment with video, focusing on the illusions created between representation and reality of liquid elements which are amplified by the extreme technology of mechanical and electronic reproduction.  More recently his artistic endeavours have drawn him closer to the city of Venice, where water – focal point of his art – plays a dominant role. In 2003, Fabrizio Plessi creates an installation for the Peggy Guggenheim Collection: Digital Fall one of the most technologically advanced sculptures in the world, fully equipped with constant air-control, an ultra-flat Led screen and full colour display.

Oceani — Oceans Sun, 22 Sep 2019 09:25:45 +0000
 “Senza l’interdisciplinarietà non esisterebbe l’opera. (…) parlo dell’esigenza di sposare i pensieri e di muoversi tra pensieri e discipline. (…) Sono sincretico: vedo i colori attraverso i suoni, continuamente. Le mie composizioni derivano sempre da immagini.” Ezio Bosso in un intervista rilasciata a Catterina Seja per arskey (immagine Stephen Pellenec | Art) (tratto dal sito

OCEANS, Ezio Bosso #oceans #eziobosso #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater

In 2011 Ezio Bosso has been the first not Australian composer awarded in Melbourne with the prestigious Green Room Award, as best composition and performance for his I symphony Oceans. Over the years, the curiosity about other forms of musical expression and artistic works and the “old” obsession to understand how things works led him to collaborate with many different musicians and artists. Among others: Pino Daniele, Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins), Gustavo Beytelmann (Gotan Project), Journalist Roberto Saviano, the rapper Lucariello, the painters Jean Michelle Folon, David Tremlett.

Ezio Bosso is a London-based composer, conductor and pianist. He has appeared in such concert venues as Royal Festival Hall in London, Carnegie Hall in New York, Sydney Opera House, Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, Teatro Regio in Turin, Palacio de las Bellas Artes in Mexico City and elsewhere. Bosso is a recipient of a number of prestigious awards; his music is admired in various theatres and appreciated by contemporary dance companies (he has collaborated with such choreographers as Christopher Wheeldon, Edwaard Liang and Rafael Bonachela), is featured in films by Gaby Dellal and Gabriele Salvatores. Bosso’s music was presented by Ailey II (American Dance Theater) in Vilnius Festival 2012. In February 2016, he shared the Lithuanian National Philharmonic stage with the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra and was enthusiastically received by the Lithuanian audience. The charismatic Krylov and Bosso have been collaborating since 2014 when the violin virtuoso and London Symphony Orchestra performed Bosso’s Fantasy for violin and orchestra.

Londra sommersa — Floaded London Sun, 22 Sep 2019 08:06:01 +0000

Lo studio Squint/Opera ha riproposto una serie di scenari che ritraggono Londra nel 2090, quando i cambiamenti climatici avranno lasciato gran parte della città sott’acqua. “Il mondo è sull’orlo di un potenziale disastro cllimatico; queste immagini sono oggi più significative e rilevanti che mai.” ha affermato Alice Britton direttore di Squint/Opera. Il progetto Flooded London, creato per la prima volta nel 2008, e pubblicato recentemente da Dezeen, mostra come le persone potrebbero essere in grado di adattarsi all’aumento catastrofico delle temperature e dei livelli del mare. (immagini tratte dal sito

FLOADED LONDON, Squint/Opera #Flooden London #Squint/Opera #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater

The Flooded London series shows how citizens might adapt to catastrophic rising temperatures and sea levels. “The images, which Squint/Opera describes as “curiously utopian”, were initially created for a 2008 exhibition in London and depict a vision of the city in 2090. “The world is currently standing on the verge of a potential climate catastrophe and therefore these images have become more relevant than ever,” said Squint/Opera founding director Alice Britton, explaining why the studio has decided to reissue the images. “Last month (June 2019) the UK became the first country to declare a climate emergency, and we felt it was the right time to revisit these images to help Londoners imagine how the seemingly abstract concept of climate change might affect their everyday lives.

Squint/Opera is a creative digital studio and consultancy. They are thinkers, designers, makers and doers. Their mission is to make places better – to inspire and expand the ways in which people imagine and interact with the physical world. They work with ambitious partners to plan, articulate, promote and execute big ideas that make a positive impact on the world’s destinations, spaces and cities. The brand identities, immersive experiences, creative content and digital products turn complex concepts into beautiful, playful and emotive stories. And while they like to have fun and do great work, they mean business. All their work is rooted in research and made for measurable impact.

Il senso del mare di Melville — Melville’ sea- feeling Sat, 21 Sep 2019 17:50:06 +0000


 “I have a sort of sea-feeling here,” Melville wrote of Arrowhead, the Massachusetts farm where he wrote “Moby-Dick.”

Se è vero che Hermann Melville ebbe l’idea di Moby Dick durante un viaggio trans-oceanico, tuttavia scrisse la maggior parte del romanzo ad Arrowhead, nella sua fattoria. In un recente articolo pubblicato a luglio sul New Yorker, l’autore, Carson Ellis, traccia un percorso della vita di Melville, attraverso i luoghi e le persone. L’acqua (visse nel villaggio di Lansingburgh, sul fiume Hudson) e il mare furono alla base della sua formazione emozionale e sensoriale. In primo piano i viaggi intrapresi dallo scrittore: il primo, nel 1839, da New York a Liverpool/Londra che ispirò il romanzo “Redburn: il suo primo viaggio”; nel 1841, arruolato come marinaio nella nave baleniera da New Bedfort nel Massachusetts, facendo rotta per l’Oceano Pacifico, il secondo viaggio: un’esperienza importante riportata in “Taipi” e “Omoo”. Infine, dopo quattro mesi a Honolulu, il rientro in patria, a Boston, come membro dell’equipaggio della fregata americana United States (narrata in “Giacchetta bianca o il mondo visto da una nave daguerra”). (immagine dal sito The New Yorker)

SEA FEELING, HERMANN MELVILLE #Herman Melville #sea feeling #New Yorker #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater

“I have a sort of sea-feeling here,” Melville wrote of Arrowhead, the Massachusetts farm where he wrote “Moby-Dick.” Herman Melville seems to have got the idea to write a novel about a mad hunt for a fearsome whale during an ocean voyage, but he wrote most of “Moby-Dick” on land, in a valley, on a farm thet he named Arrowhead.

Herman Melville was born in New York City in 1819. He worked as a crew member on several vessels beginning in 1839, his experiences spawning his successful early novels Typee (1846) and Omoo (1847). Subsequent books, including his masterpiece Moby-Dick (1851), sold poorly, and by the 1860s Melville had turned to poetry. Following his death in New York City in 1891, he posthumously came to be regarded as one of the great American writers.

Accarezzando l’acqua — Caressing the water Fri, 06 Sep 2019 15:03:24 +0000
In un tempo di pochi secondi i diversi sensi di HH incontrano l’acqua. Sono le mani ad aprire una danza di carezze e movimenti continui, fino ad una immersione inattesa, sospesa tra superficie e profondità.
Un tempo breve ma lento, una risalita veloce, eppure intensa. L’acqua introduce il nuovo mondo, i suoi ritmi, luci e oscurità. L’acqua porta su un tempo nuovo.

THE PIANO, Jane Campion #thepiano #janecampion #hollyhunter #lezionidipiano #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater

In a few seconds different senses of HH meet the water. It’s the hand that opens a dance of caresses and continuous movements, until the unexpected immersion, suspended between surface and depth.
A short but slow duration, a fast but such intense ascent. The water introduces the New World with its rhythms, lights and darkness. Water, it brings a new time.

The Piano is a 1993 New Zealand period drama film about a narcissistic, psychologically mute young woman and her pre-adolescent daughter, set during the mid-19th century in a rainy, muddy frontier backwater town on the west coast of New Zealand. It also involves the woman’s failing new, arranged marriage to a frontiersman due to obsession with playing her piano. The Piano was written and directed by Jane Campion and stars Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, and Anna Paquin in her first acting role. The film’s score by Michael Nyman became a best-selling soundtrack album, and Hunter played her own piano pieces for the film. She also served as sign language teacher for Paquin, earning three screen credits. The film is an international co-production by Australian producer Jan Chapman with the French company Ciby 2000.
