Acqua urbana — Ground water

Le acque di Milano sono le protagoniste del libro di Michele Serra “Sull’acqua”, edito da Aboca nel 2018. Lo sviluppo industriale, la fortuna dei grandi fondi agricoli lombardi sono legati alll’acqua. Dopo decenni di prelievo forzato industriale, le acque di Milano giacciono nel sottosuolo della città. Il racconto prende spunto dall’attività industriale delle Acciaierie e Ferriere Lombarde Falck a Sesto San Giovanni, che si alimentavano dalla falda acquifera della Pianura Padana, “l’anima rigurgitante dell’economia lombarda” (articolo in askanews)
SULL’ACQUA, Michele Serra #sullacqua #micheleserra #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater
The book “Sull’acqua”, written by Michele Serra, is a text at once poetic and philosophical on the universal and critical theme of water, the essential element in the life of individuals and of societies, now under the real, keen threat of environmental pollution, that has been able to build dispersion and voracious economic interests.
Michele Serra writes: “The idea of something coming from below is no less fascinating than something looming from above; if the ancients were afraid that the sky would fall, I imagined an event for us moderns in which the water comes up from the depths to remind us of our weaknesses as well as our duties […] It goes without saying that this isn’t just a poetic musing. Climate change reflected in water levels […] is one of the great future problems for humanity, and water consumption is a clear urgent need […] That which emerges from below contains a revelation, something that we had forgotten, neglected […] Sull’acqua is also an unspoken prayer: may we never be without water, and may its level remain high enough for our survival, neither above that nor below.”