Icefjord centre in Groelandia — Climate change’s last border

Sulla costa occidentale della Groenlandia si trova il massiccio ghiacciaio Sermeq Kujalleq nei pressi del quale Dorte Mandrup ha progettato il nuovo Icefjord Centre di Ilulissat. Il cantiere ha visto la luce nell’estate del 2019 e sarà un osservatorio privilegiato per gli studiosi del cambiamento climatico.
ICEFJORD CENTRE IN ILULISSAT, Dorte Mandrup #Icefjord Centre in Ilulissat #dortemandrup #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater
At the western coast of Greenland lies the massive glacier Sermeq Kujalleq. For more than 250 years, glaciologists have studied the ancient glacier and its daily production of immense amounts of ice, and it remains an ideal spot for scientific observation of climate change. Dorte Mandrup has designed the new Icefjord Centre in Ilulissat to blend in with the impressive landscape while offering local residents, tourists, and climate researchers the ultimate vantage point from which to absorb the historic atmosphere of the Icefjord. The Icefjord Centre will tell a story of ice, of human history and evolution on both a local and global scale.
Originating from a background in sculpture and ceramics, Dorte Mandrup’s approach to architecture has always been ‘hands on’. Shape and form constitute the company ethos – to create spaces which are aesthetically pleasing, contextually relevant, and invite people to engage.
Dorte Mandrup graduated from the Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark in 1991. She founded her Copenhagen based studio in 1999 where she continues to be Creative Director. Her design philosophy and artistic yet systematic mindset permeates the entire office as she is design responsible in all projects.