Londra sommersa — Floaded London

Lo studio Squint/Opera ha riproposto una serie di scenari che ritraggono Londra nel 2090, quando i cambiamenti climatici avranno lasciato gran parte della città sott’acqua. “Il mondo è sull’orlo di un potenziale disastro cllimatico; queste immagini sono oggi più significative e rilevanti che mai.” ha affermato Alice Britton direttore di Squint/Opera. Il progetto Flooded London, creato per la prima volta nel 2008, e pubblicato recentemente da Dezeen, mostra come le persone potrebbero essere in grado di adattarsi all’aumento catastrofico delle temperature e dei livelli del mare. (immagini tratte dal sito Deezen.com).
FLOADED LONDON, Squint/Opera #Flooden London #Squint/Opera #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater
The Flooded London series shows how citizens might adapt to catastrophic rising temperatures and sea levels. “The images, which Squint/Opera describes as “curiously utopian”, were initially created for a 2008 exhibition in London and depict a vision of the city in 2090. “The world is currently standing on the verge of a potential climate catastrophe and therefore these images have become more relevant than ever,” said Squint/Opera founding director Alice Britton, explaining why the studio has decided to reissue the images. “Last month (June 2019) the UK became the first country to declare a climate emergency, and we felt it was the right time to revisit these images to help Londoners imagine how the seemingly abstract concept of climate change might affect their everyday lives.
Squint/Opera is a creative digital studio and consultancy. They are thinkers, designers, makers and doers. Their mission is to make places better – to inspire and expand the ways in which people imagine and interact with the physical world. They work with ambitious partners to plan, articulate, promote and execute big ideas that make a positive impact on the world’s destinations, spaces and cities. The brand identities, immersive experiences, creative content and digital products turn complex concepts into beautiful, playful and emotive stories. And while they like to have fun and do great work, they mean business. All their work is rooted in research and made for measurable impact.