Vector architetcs, nel luogo — On site

“Ogni luogo possiede uno spirito identitario, unico prima che l’architettrua si insedi. Questo sia che si tratti di un ambiente naturale o di una situazione ordinaria in un contesto urbano. Potrebbe essere un paesaggio unico, uno scenario vivace della città o anche le persone che vivono i luoghi dinamicamente. Quello che un architetto dovrebbe fare è osservare e scoprire questo tipo di “spirito giusto” intrinseco, per poi rivelarlo e presentarlo attraverso l’interpretazione architettonica. Sopra, Seashore Chapel, Beidaihe New District, 2015. A sinistra, riqualificazione della Captain’s House, Fujian, 2017.
VECTOR ARCHITECTS, Vector architects studio #tempodacqua #thetimeofwater
Gong Dong declares “No architecture can be off the site. We believe each site has its certain spirit that already exists. It could be a unique landscape, a bustling city scenario, or the lively people and their movements. What we are favored of is to discover such energy through a precise action in architectural space, and transform it into people’s perceptions and lives. (…) For each project, we send a site architect to participate in the entire process of construction – from the initial manufacture and experimentation of materials, the testing and correction of details, later on to the full supervision and cooperation on site. It is this long lasting process of adaptation and collaboration that gives us more opportunities to learn the wisdom of making from local and on-site workers lively, and constantly amend the limitations and deviations during the design drawing stage.”
Dong Gong founded Vector Architects in 2008. He and Vector Architects have been invited to various exhibitions including 2018 Free Space Venice Biennale, and won awards internationally including “100+ Best Architecture Firms” selected by Domus (2019); being nominated by Swiss Architectural Award (2018); the Overall Winner of Italian Archmarathon Awards (2016); “Design Vanguard” selected by Architectural Record (2014).